The National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation of the Republic of Cuba and the University of Science of Physical Culture and Sport, convene the VIII INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND SPORT (AFIDE) to be held in Havana from 11 to 15 November 2019 at the International Conference Center.

The Convention will focus on “Sustainable Sport for All”.

  1. Carve IV International Physical and Sports Education for All: sustainability agenda against 2030.
  2. VI International Workshop “Leisure, Leisure and Recreational Activities” sustainability against the Agenda 2030. (TOTLAR)
  3. V International Workshop on Physical Fitness Activity and Quality of Life.
  4. IX Symposium of therapeutic and prophylactic Physical Culture: From Healthy Environments (SCFT)
  5. IV International Workshop on Sport and Society (TDS): Sustainable Sport against the objectives of Agenda 2030.
  6. International Workshop “Equality, Inclusion, Diversity and Welfare through Physical Activity and Sport”
IX International Congress of Sports Medicine, Applied Sciences and doping.
  1. III International Symposium rehabilitation and regenerative therapies
VIII International Conference on High Performance Sport
  1. II Meeting of Centers of Research and Applied Sport Sciences.
  2. IV International Workshop of Psychology in Physical Activity and Sport.
  3. II International Congress of the Latin American and Caribbean Society of Psychology of Physical Activity and Sport.
  4. IV International Symposium of Applied Sciences baseball.
VI International Workshop “Continuing Professional Education Physical Culture”.
  1. International Meeting of graduates of doctoral programs for Physical Culture and Sports
VI International Workshop for Management of Physical Culture and Sport. A view from the Agenda 2030 goals.
IV International Symposium Marabana.

Scientific Program:

It will be developed through lectures, special conferences, seminars, international courses, expert panels, workshops, oral presentations, posters and electronic posters. Modalities for submission: Presentations and posters.

  • Education in values.
  • The economy in the sports sector.
  • Environment and Sports.
  • Internal control.
  • Creation of sports equipment and recreational facilities.
  • Training and professional improvement of physical education and sport.
  • Management and leadership in physical activity and sport.
  • Technologies in computer and communications technology (software, computer products, automated systems, etc.) applied to physical activity and sport or that respond to the needs of the territories and the Agency.
  • Physical Recreation in the Community.
  • Physical education (pre-school, school, adult and adapted).
  • physical activity, sport and sustainable development.
  • children’s motor skills.
  • High intensity sport.
  • Women in physical activity and sport.
  • Biomechanics, biomedical and psychological control of sports training.
  • Therapeutic and prophylactic Physical Culture.

Other general correspond with the Key Results Areas and Cross-cutting Indicators Agency.


They must be original.

Title: 12 words maximum.

Summary: up to 200 words in a single paragraph. (Spanish and English)

Keywords: three at least. (1 page)

Introduction. (1 to 2 pages)

Materials and methods based data. (2 to 3 pages)

Development: Detailed Analysis of the contributions. (3 pages)

Conclusions and directly related to the title, objective and results of the work Recommendations. (1 page)

References: consistent with the APA standards. (1 page)

10 Total pages, sheet letter, Word format, Arial 12, justified, line spacing and average

The deadline for submission of abstracts to the Organizing Committee of the event date will be September 1, 2019


Shall not exceed measures 1.50m high by 0.80m wide in hardware and electronic format Publisher prevail where the essential messages, no lengthy texts and display must be simple.


(Convertible Cuban pesos – CUC)


Before 31 May 2019 200 CUC , before 31 August 2019 250 CUC

September 1 onwards 300 CUC . Note: Foreign students studying in Cuba will graduate as your enrollment date a discount of 20% on presentation of their university official documentation

Undergraduate students – 150 CUC (upon presentation of their university official documentation)


INDER Dr.C. Melix Ilisástigui Aviles, email:

Tel .: (537) 6485014


Events & Incentive Havanatur T & T Branch Havana. AFIDE 2019

Address: Neptuno-Triton Hotel Complex, 3rd Street, esq. 74, Reparto Miramar, Playa, Havana, Cuba.

Senior Specialist: Ing Caridad Sago Rivera. Email:

Phone: (537) 201-9780


Lic. Alicia García González.

Phone: (537) 2085199, (537) 2026011 to 19, ext. 1510.
