The Uruguayan Cycling Federation begins the Official Opening Competition 2021, begins with the test in Thirty-Three in Sub 23 and elite categories (men)
Below is the statement of the Federation and the stipulated Protocol:
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Junior, sub 23 and elite categories (Gentlemen)
Organized by: Uruguayan Cycling Federation
Supervised by: Uruguayan College of Cycling Judges
With the collaboration of: Cycling Federation of Treinta y Tres and Cycling Federation of Cerro Largo
Supported by: National Directorate of Highway Police, Municipality of Treinta y Tres, Municipality of Cerro Largo, Health Directorate of Treinta y Tres and Cerro Largo, Municipality of Rincón and Municipality of Vergara.
Concentration: 9:00 a.m. at the intersection of Route 17 and Route 18
Start time: 10:00
Travel along Route 18 until the junction with Route 26, take this left and continue along Route 26 until 10 km before reaching the city of Melo, in front of the entrance to the Posta del Chuy: ARRIVAL.
JUNIOR CATEGORY: ends in front of the 12th Section Police Detachment. Totaling 115 kms.
First packing. In front of Pueblo Rincón
Second packaging: marker 25. Entrance on the way to las cañas
Score: 3, 2 and 1 point.
1) $ 17,500
2) $ 8,500
3) $ 6,500
4) $ 4,500
5) $ 2,500
1) $ 2,500
1) Trophy
2) Trophy
3) Trophy
Registrations are received only via mail ( or via web form ( until Friday 22 at 2:00 p.m. providing: name, identity card, address and place of residence, telephone, club, Federation. Each team may attend with only TWO companions.
The free cyclists will be grouped by Departmental Federation to a number of 6 who will be accompanied by a single vehicle.
The draw for the Caravan order will be held at the starting point half an hour before it.
The attached sanitary protocol, approved by the Departmental Directorate of Health of Treinta y Tres, as well as the one approved by the National authorities and sent by the FCU, will be strictly observed.
Source: FCU Official