The Pan American Cycling Confederation (COPACI) secured two positions on the Steering Committee of the International Cycling Union (UCI), which was elected on September 24 as part of the entity’s Congress held in Leuven, Belgium.
The holder of the Copaci, José Manuel Peláez, kept his seat as leader of one of the five continental confederations; meanwhile Sonia Gregoria Ramos Acuña, top cycling leader in Bolivia, will be the other delegate from America with 19 votes, ahead of the other two proposals Cyril Hollis Mangal, from Santa Lucía and José Luiz Vasconcellos, from Brazil.
The election of the 11 members or delegates of the UCI Steering Committee was completed by Amarjit Singh Gill Darshan Singh, from Malaysia (38 votes), Mohammed Ben El Mahi, from Morocco (39) and Anne Gripper, from Australia (40).
In addition, for Europe the French Michel Callot (31), the Swiss Rocco Cattaneo (40), the Danish Henrik Jess Jensen (27), the Spanish José Luis López Cerrón (35) and the Russian Igor Makarov (37) were chosen. Prior to that vote and according to Article 48 of the UCI Constitution, which advocates a gender approach, the Italian Daniela Isetti and the Polish Agata Lang entered this important group.
Previously, the re-election of the President of the UCI, Frenchman David Lappartient, was made official, who had no opponent at the polls, and will continue to lead the entity for four more years, that is until 2025. During the work of the Congress, 196 participated federations affiliated with the UCI.