The situation of the formidable Colombian rider, Miguel Ángel López, is becoming increasingly clearer, who has been provisionally suspended by the International Cycling Union (UCI) since the middle of this year for being related to the controversial doctor Marcos Maynar.

The Spanish doctor, the only one accused in Operation Ilex for doping, gave an interview with the El Contraanalysis podcast directed by journalist Javier Ramírez and made it clear that he never gave prohibited substances to the Colombian rider. “The Beldas have already declared and have made it clear that nothing reached Mr. Miguel Ángel López in Hungary or anywhere else.”

In this talk Maynar flatly denied that he had supplied prohibited substances to ‘Supermán’ López and, in fact, he also stated that “cycling today is cleaner than ever.”

“As they say in Colombia, he would have sent me to hell if I had done it. The first condition he always set, from the start, was that no doping substances. How am I going to send this man something and on top of that send him with the records that are made in the Giro, in the Tour? Especially in Italy. It is absurd,” added the Spanish doctor.

It is expected that with these statements, the UCI will reassess Supermán López’s suspension and allow him the possibility of competing again as soon as possible.

Finally, the Spanish doctor referred to his innocence. “I am calm because I believe in justice. If I have made a mistake, then mistakes must be paid for. I will pay and acknowledge it. And period. I have no problem. But of course, I haven’t had any problems with doping. And it will be demonstrated,” Maynar concluded.

Source: Revista Mundo Ciclístico