The mountain biker José Gerardo Ulloa Arévalo, known as the “Monster of the Mountain”, won first place in the 2023 National Mountain Biking Evaluation and Development Championship, a competition that was supported by the Mexican Olympic Committee and certified by the UCI/COPACI Commissioner Regina Mollares Barbieri who expressed his pleasure with the realization of the event.
The representative of Guanajuato and qualified for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, mentioned that he hopes the Commissioner can assert the points before the UCI, although he acknowledged that in his opinion “I also believe that it is everyone’s job, both the Olympic Committee and those who They organized the event to emphasize that point”, which of course has already been done and the awarding of the uci points is in process.
In the competition, all the categories were held in which they were crowned as 2023 national champions, in addition to Ulloa, Ana Ruth Clarck, Samantha Martínez, Adair Gutiérrez, Marco Escárcega, Alexa Franco, Emmanuel Cano, Alejandro Martínez, Yatziri Coyote, Iker Barrera, Iván García, Isabela Nicolás, Miguel Oropeza, Patricio Ramírez, Rodolfo Meza, Idali Ramírez, Mariana Gómez, Renata Herrera, Arizia Ocampo, Raúl Rodríguez, Maryan Jaqueline Santiago, Ricardo González, Juan López, Inocencio Aguirre, Erick González, Carlos Luna, Brandon Gastelum and Ricardo Mata.
All of them belong to the states of Aguascalientes, Baja California, Durango, State of Mexico, Hidalgo, Jalisco, San Luis Potosí and Sonora. In addition, there were fierce opponents from Michoacán such as Fátima Hijar and from Oaxaca with Amando Martínez.
At the end of the event that had all the enthusiasm and collaboration of the Municipal President of Purísima del Rincón Roberto García Ugalde, the Councilor Juan Pablo Verdín and the Comude Jacob Hernández, all under the coordination of José Antonio Vallejo Almaguer, president of the Associated Cycling Guanajuato state.
Finally, Commissioner Regina Moralles Barbieri commented that Purísima could host events of an international nature with some minor modifications to the route of the track, which are adapted to the distance that has currently been established and that is what makes this event more attractive. modality. And good at sports.
Source: Yolanda Bueno Benet, periodista mexicana