The month of September will be very special for the province of Santiago del Estero, in Argentina, since the 2022 Pan American BMX Racing Championship is scheduled on the track known as “La Catedral”, with the participation of twenty nations.
This very important bike cross event puts the Santiagueña Bike Cross Association and the Argentine BMX Federation to the test, whose commission informed the media of some relevant details of the date.
The 2022 Pan American BMX Championship will take place on September 10 and 11. According to the recently released competition guide, the first day will be the PKS BMX Continental American Championship (UCI level “CC), and on the second day, round 6 of the PKS BMX Latin Cup (UCI level “C1 “).
The dates of the 2022 Pan American BMX Championship will bring to Santiago del Estero runners of the highest level, who will travel from end to end the benefits of the ASABI Track.
It is worth noting that this track, built in the province in 2011, has a double start ramp made of concrete. One of them has a height of 6 meters, ideal for Challenger categories and the other, about 8 meters for Supercross class.
Competing Categories
Championship Categories, according to UCI Regulations
Junior Men (17-18 years old)
Junior Women (17-18 years old)
Under 23 Men (19 – 22 years old)
Under 23 Women (19 – 22 years old)
Elite Men (19 years and over)
Elite Women (19 years and over)
Challenger categories, according to regulations PAKS 2022 BMX LATIN AMERICAN CUP
STANDARD 20” bicycles:
Boys: Up to 6 years old, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (11 categories).
Girls: 5-7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 (10 categories).
Men: 17 to 24, 25 to 29, 30 to 34, 35 and over (4 categories).
Women: 17 to 24 – 25 and over (2 category).
24” CRUISE bicycles:
Boys: up to 12, 13 and 14, 15 and 16 (3 categories)
Men: 17 to 24 – 25 to 29 – 30 to 34 – 35 to 39, 40 to 44 – 45 to 49 -50 and more; (7 categories)
Ladies: 12 and under – 13 to 16 (2 categories)
Women: 17 to 29 – 30 to 39 – 40 and over (3 categories)
In addition, both days there will also be recreational or promotional competition in the following categories:
SCHOOL: (boys and girls together): Up to 4 years; 5 years and 6 years.
TRUCKS: Recreational category. Boys and girls up to 4 (four) years old can participate. It will be delivered to you. They travel the final 50% of the length of the track.
INCLUSION: Inclusive and recreational category. Men and women with physical/psychological difficulties can participate from the age of 5 (five), without age limit.