After a long and thorough process analyzing the doping cases discovered at Lima 2019, the Panam Sports Executive Committee approved the decisions and disqualifications proposed by the Disciplinary Commission, leading to a series of changes in the Medal Table of the Games held in July and August. These decisions were taken at the recent Executive Committee meeting in Fort Lauderdale, United States.
“We have been very careful with the issue of doping at the Pan American Games of Lima 2019, respecting all the corresponding protocols and processes. After our Executive Committee meeting, we have officially approved the decisions of the Disciplinary Commission and the respective disqualifications of the athletes involved, and this has generated the changes we are reporting today. With this, we close the medal table of our Games,” said Panam Sports Secretary General, Ivar Sisniega.
It should be noted that there were 15 positive doping cases at Lima 2019 from a total of 1,905 samples taken (1,652 urine and 253 blood) from athletes during the Pan American Games.