The department of Meta reopens the doors to national cycling. This time to host the sixth edition of the Tour of Colombia Women Mindeporte, a race that year after year has been consolidated as one of the most attractive and competitive events, and that since its creation in the 2016 season has traveled the departments of Valle , Risaralda, Caldas and Boyacá.

Meta, the main venue for the National Elite Road Championships in the 2019 season and the epicenter of the 2020 Youth Tour, will debut and add to its history the most important women’s race in the country.

The UCI 2.2 category event, supported by the Ministry of Sports, will take place from September 28 to October 3, and will have a total of six stages that will run through the main municipalities of the eastern plains such as Acacías, Restrepo and Lejanías.

The program of activities will open on Monday, September 27 at the facilities of Parque Las Malocas de Villavicencio, at 8 am, with the review of licenses, confirmation of participants, accreditations for the media and delivery of Covid-19 test results . At 2 pm the technical congress will take place and from 3:30 pm it will be the official presentation of teams.

The race will open with a partial 85.3 kilometers between the Parque Fundadores de Villavicencio and Alto de Menegua, in Puerto López, the end of the stage of the last edition of the Youth Tour.

Five of the six fractions foreseen in the schedule will be fulfilled in the host department. The closure will be reserved for Bogotá and its circuit of the National Park, with passage through the Wall of the Perseverancia neighborhood, closing judge of the latest version of the Men’s Tour of Colombia.

It is worth noting that the Colombian Cycling Federation will provide accommodation and food for all participating athletes and the team’s technical director. The race will be broadcast live on Channel RCN.

Registration is open until 5:00 p.m. September 15. These should only be sent in the official UCI format to the email It is mandatory to complete in its entirety and attach to the registration the form with the permanence information of each athlete.

The media interested in covering the event can register with their personal data (media, position and letter from the media they represent) to the email until next September 15.


Stage 1: Tuesday, September 28 – 85.3 km

Route: Villavicencio – Apiay – Pompeya – Pachaquiaro – Puerto López (Alto de Menegua).

Departure time: 9:30 AM

Arrival time: 12:00 PM

Departure site: Parque Fundadores

Arrival site: Alto de Menegua

Stage 2: Wednesday, September 29 – 119.1 km

Route: Villavicencio – Acacias – San Martín – Granada – Crossing to Lejanías – Lejanías.

Departure time: 8:30 AM

Arrival time: 11:30 AM

Departure site: Parque Fundadores

Arrival site: Parque de Lejanías

Stage 3: Thursday, September 30 – CRI 24.3 km

Route: Castilla La Nueva – Guamal – Acacías.

Departure time: 8:00 AM

Arrival time: 12:00 M

Starting point: Cra 9. Parque Nuevo Milenio

Arrival site: Acacías Park

Stage 4: Friday October 1 – 117.1 km

Route: Circuit in Villavicencio (10 laps) – Alto de Buenavista end.

Departure time: 8:30 AM

Arrival time: 12:00 M

Departure site: Vía Antigua Restaurante Talanquera (Villavicencio)

Arrival site: Alto de Buenavista

Stage 5: Saturday, October 2 – 90.2 km

Route: Restrepo – Villavicencio – Guayabetal – Quetame Bridge – Cáqueza – Chipaque.

Departure time: 8:30 AM

Arrival time: 11:00 AM

Starting point: Cra 6 Parque de Restrepo

Arrival site: Petrobras Pump (Entrance to Chipaque)

Stage 6: Sunday, October 3 – 88.2 km

Route: Bogotá Circuit (7 laps) – National Park – Cra 5ta – Calle 32 Barrio La Perseverancia – Avenida Circunvalar – Rosales – Return Carrera 7 – National Park.

Departure time: 9:00 AM

Arrival time: 12:00 M

Departure site: National Park

Arrival site: National Park