The route set up at Parque da Cachoeira, in Congonhas (MG), for the 2023 Pan-American Mountain Bike Championship demonstrated that it is worthy of a great international event. With a beautiful landscape, a demanding altimetry and several types of natural obstacles, the cyclists had to abuse their riding techniques and self-control to obtain a good result in the first days of the race.

With heavy rain this Friday afternoon (29), the Men’s Master category needed that one percent more to overcome the challenges of the road, which involved a lot of mud and adrenaline.

For Chilean Cristóbal Vidaurre, winner of the Master C1 category (50-54 years old), there was a moment when it crossed his mind that it would not be possible to finish the race. “It was a very different race, it was a lot of water, a lot of mud, a very difficult race. We had to work meter by meter. Luckily I didn’t have any mechanical problems or crashes”, said the Chilean.

The father of Martín Vidaurre, one of the main athletes on the current MTB world scene, also dedicated himself to highlighting the good organization of Brazil in its international events. “We love the passion and enthusiasm of Brazilians, we always feel very welcome here,” he concluded.

Category C, by the way, repeated the first two places in the World Masters Championship, held a few days ago in Argentina, with Vidaurre in first place, with a time of 30 minutes 45 seconds, and the Brazilian Abraao de Azevedo, runner-up in the world and now Pan American Runner-up, with 31:12. The bronze went to the Brazilian Gustavo Jorge with a time of 32: 55.

The Mexican Jorge Prietro, winner of category D (60-64), reinforced that this type of humid climate and soil full of obstacles, typically Brazilian, are really very different from those found in other countries. In addition, it is also necessary to remember that in Brazil there are very good runners. “In that race I was shoulder to shoulder with the Brazilian champion of the category, we did the first 2 kilometers together and then we managed to escape. I came here looking for gold and luckily I was able to win it. I have never been to Congonhas, but I really liked the place and the people, all very receptive, very good structure”, said the athlete, who crossed the finish line in 42:12. The Brazilian Cicero Neto, with a time of 43:57 , finished in second place, followed by Adolfo José Mariano, third, with a time of 48:49.

Dilermando Melo, 66, was the great champion of Master E (65+), which also included Hermes Santana, second (42:43), and Jusmar Correa, third (47:44), on the podium. In Master C2 (55-59 years old), match for the Brazilian trio made up of Claudio Roberto, Carlos Henrique and Fabio Teixeira Neto, classified first (31:30), second (31:39) and third (39: 33), respectively .

The green and yellow podium was also repeated in Master A and Master B1. Among the athletes from 35 to 39 years old, Diego Ortiz finished in first place (1:09:42), Luiz Eduardo Ferreira was second (1:11:18) and Fernando Naves third (1:11:58).

In the 40-44 age group, the title went to Divonei Bispo (1:08:20), followed by João Paulo Firmino, with silver (1:10:19) and Marcus Vinícius Rodrigues, with bronze (1:11: 26).

And in Master B2 (45-49 years old), the winner was Hugo Alves Neto, who finished the race in 51:28. Second place was occupied by Edivando de Souza, with 53:04. Puerto Rican Eudaldo Asencio completed the podium in third place (54:00).

Decisive Sunday for elite athletes

Electrifying disputes that can guarantee a place in the Pan American Games in Santiago de Chile, in addition to adding important points in the ranking towards the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, promise to raise the local public and keep the attention of the spectators this Sunday (30). , the last day of competition. In the morning it will be the XCO Sub23, and in the afternoon the best athletes from the continent will fight for the title in the Elite category. The women’s race is scheduled for 1:00 p.m. and the men’s for 3:00 p.m.

Whoever wants can follow all the emotions LIVE on the CBC channel on YouTube (

Sunday (30)

9 am – XCO Sub23 Women

11 am – XCO Sub23 Men

13:00 – Women’s XCO Elite

15:00 – XCO Elite men

The 2023 Pan American Mountain Biking Championship is organized by the Brazilian Cycling Confederation (CBC) under the supervision of the Pan American Cycling Confederation (COPACI) and the International Cycling Union (UCI), with the sponsorship of the Municipality of Congonhas.

Source: Ana Patricia/Brazilian Cycling Confederation